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An Introduction

Welcome to Insha

Insha Holdings is managed by British-Australian Fund Manager, Radstone Capital Partners Limited (License No. FML/24/0076). The firm is licensed and regulated by the Labuan Financial Services Authority under the Labuan Financial Services and Securities Act 2010.


The company is managed by Radstone Capital Partners, incorporating a management team with significant international experience based in Kuala Lumpur, Melbourne, Cape Town, and London.


Their investment strategy is based on offering investors an opportunity to earn an above average yield while retaining their capital.


Commitments to the highest levels of governance and compliance is a cornerstone of the company's value framework.


Investments are made only in sectors where management possess deep competence and experience.

Growth Strategy

Key Investment Themes (1)

Medical Technology

Insha Holdings along with Australian partners Transocean Group and Investor Lend launched a Med-Tech fund (Medical Technology Acceleration Service or "MTAS") called PERCEPTRON. This fund successfully raised capital from both Malaysian and Australian investors.

PERCEPTRON is based in Sydney and finances high growth emerging health sector assets with a focus on debt and/or convertible notes. It targets a ROl target of 3-5 times within 24 months of taking aposition using its unique domain expertise, a proven model & strong track record.

PERCEPTRON are currently a significant investor in OPUM Technologies Ltd. Recognised as world's leading Artificial Intelligence driven, knee sensor, OPUM's technology has been clinically proven for osteoarthritis care. The company is setting the standard for the massive growth in the Remote Patient Monitoring segment and is engaged with leading knee brace makers globally.

Key Investment Themes (2)

Private Credit

The private credit market in Malaysia offers the opportunity for interest rates of up to 18% per annum, which presents a notable contrast to Singapore, where licensed lenders are permitted to charge an astonishing 48% per annum. This stark disparity creates a significant advantage for license holders in Malaysia. Insha Holding Berhad's associated company. Radstone Money Sdn Bhd., as a licensed lender, stands out as an attractive player in this market. PRIVATE CREDIT Radstone Money actively exploits this discontinuity in the credit market dynamics by managing risk downwards whilst gaining the upside from high interest rates. They generate substantial returns on their lending activities. Radstone Money actively lends and manages a high-quality loan portfolio. Risk is well managed via a robust credit assessment process. This approach not only safeguards the assets of Radstone Money but also instils confidence in our investors and other stakeholders alike.

Key Investment Themes (3)

Trade Financing

The trade financing market in Malaysia, especially concerning Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and funding supply chains, is notably attractive and substantial. Malaysia's strategic location as a regional trade hub, coupled with its robust financial infrastructure, makes it an ideal destination for trade finance activities. The size of this market is substantial, with ample opportunities for SMEs to access the funding required to drive their growth and expand their market reach. TRADE FINANCING Insha Capital Sdn Bhd / Radstone Capital works in partnership with established and specialized trade financing companies to offer a diverse range of trade financing instruments, including supply chain financing. These structures are designed to support businesses at various stages of the supply chain. The government's initiatives and regulatory framework further enhance the attractiveness of this market for both local and international players. Profit margins are significant and all transactions are collateralized.